The Golf Addict’s Vacation Guide (Trip 1, Winter 2015)
Having played Golf Magazine’s top 100 Public Golf Courses I can categorically recommend against similar insanity on your part. The good...

Edgewood Revisited
Photo of Edgewood Golf Course from http://edgewoodtahoe.com It has been nearly 20 years since I played Edgewood in South Lake Tahoe. I...

Top Five “Boutique” Golf Resorts (Part Two)
The last post identified The Lodge at Arcadia Bluffs and CordeValle as two of America’s great golf resorts. My top three “boutique”...
Top Five “Boutique” Golf Resorts (Part One)
As a confirmed golf addict I am constantly feeling the pressure to make up for my obsession by taking my wife on a “special” vacation....

How to be a True Golfaholic: Play America's Top 100 Golf Courses
Only an individual with a severe golf addiction would even consider tackling the herculean and expensive quest to play America’s Top 100...

America’s Top 100 Golf Courses You Can Play
There are at least 132 top 100 venues available to the golf addict in the United States. That is, if you believe Golf and Golf Digest...